Garrit's Bio

Name                                  : Gerrit Pape
Favorite Team (and why)               : I'm a prostitute! I change my favourite team every 2
                                        or 3 years if necessary. If all my favourite players
                                        jumping around from team to team, why should I stay
                                        with the team? So my 1st team this year (2nd year in
                                        a row) are the Bucs. If Lynch and Alstot (Alstet?)
                                        will leave the Team, I choose a new one.
2nd Favorite Team (and why)           : Patriots. I started to like them 3 or 4 years ago cause
                                        of their great defense, and I still stay with the team.
                                        Even if all of my players left (except Drew) they still
                                        have nice logo and colors - and at least I've got a
                                        nice patriots cap...
Team You Hate Most (and why)          : 1. Dallas  2. Dallas  3. Dallas  4. 49ers  5. San Diego
                                        1. to 4.: too-much-money-team.
                                        5. To the time where I was Steelers fan, the beat the
                                        steelers in the AFC chamoionship game, and they played
                                        so lousy in the superbowl, that I had problems not to
                                        fall asleep.
Email Address                         :
WWW Home Page                         : None
Why You Think Rob is Such a Great Guy : I believe Gert! If he says Rob is, he must be.
                                        And if he erases the Bengals junkie from my short
                                        description, I would have a personal reason ;-)

Thanks to Kevin for his mail which I used as a template

Good luck to everybody; better luck to me!

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Last Change: 31 August 2000 /